Ninox japonica
Strigiformes / Strigidae
An owl to order! In search of new experiences and strange birds, in June we went to the edge of our boundless Homeland – Primorye. To see any owl on trips is always a blessing! But, to be honest, I didn't even dream about this owl then. Late in the evening, our group arrived at the place of overnight stay – the cordon of one of the oldest nature reserves in Russia – "Cedar Pad". While the participants were settling into cozy rooms, I got into conversation with a local researcher who studies Far Eastern leopards. During the conversation, we discussed the route and the birds that theoretically can be found here. Well, at the end of the conversation, I mentioned owls, to which I received an answer about nesting of two species: the collared owl and the needle-footed owl. If I somehow implied a purely theoretical meeting with the first one, then I did not mean the nesting of the second one. Surprised, I asked again about the needle-footed owl and immediately, as if by order, we heard her voice. Abandoning the sorting of things and grabbing our cameras, we rushed into the night forest. 500 meters from the cordon, this talking male was discovered!
Russian Federation
Primorskiy Kray
Ninox japonica

Is available on PRO

The marker on the map shows where the photo has been taken

Dmitrij Lyubkin
9 months ago